вторник, 5 февраля 2013 г.

vip charter Business aviation

Now the formula of “time is money” is actual as never before, and the possibility in the shortest possible time to get to any point of the planet is very important for every businessman. But it should be noted that not all businessmen have the opportunity to afford to fly, however, not in the least interested in the presence of tickets and flight schedules. Private plane - this is one indication of belonging to the elite, and at the same time, such a plane is a very convenient means of transport. In this small article we will try to reveal the mysteries of the private fleet in Israel.

Sheri Arison: Owns the controlling package of shares of a reputable Bank Hapoalim, has a unique version of the Boeing 737 BBJ, the value of which is approximately one hundred million dollars. The plane can take fifty passengers (although in the standard model is designed for the twenty-man) and deliver them to the speed of 890 km/h at a distance of more than 10,000 km without refueling. On Board the aircraft of a bedroom, bedroom for children, a dining room, a conference hall, a living room, a shower room, as well as the kitchen and the compartment for crew rest. Also on Board the Boeing 737 BBJ You can find plasma TV-sets, as well as there is possibility to connect to the high-speed Wi-Fi Internet.

Eitan Wertheimer: After the brothers Вертхаймеры sold to Warren Buffett plant “Iskar” they passed Sheri Arison, occupied a leading position among the rich, the Motherland of which is Israel. Эйтану, in addition to several boats and a huge collection of expensive antique automobile, the airplane belongs to Global 5000, the price of which is «only» $ 60 million. The plane, which is very similar to the one on which flies bill gates, was designed and built by Bombardier (Canada). He may take on Board nineteen passengers. The speed limit - 930 km/h, flight range - 9.000 km. If you wish passenger seats of the aeroplane successfully transformed into bed. The most modern communications systems provide passengers to access the Internet or make a phone call to any point of the world. In the described plane has a fairly large conference hall, as well as the kitchen and the place designated for the storage of enough large stocks of food.

Ron Zuckerman: capital Ron can't even compare to the capital of the Israeli billionaires ($100 million), but he owns the plane (G-3, the price of 30 million dollars. This machine can take up to fourteen passengers. Maximum speed and range of flight is 840 km/h, and 6.200 km, respectively. As the plane has an American passport, then to the far East Ron can fly directly through the Arab countries. G-3 is used, most of them for the rest of the family Zuckerman.

Eliezer Fishman: even in spite of the extremely unsuccessful bid for the Turkish currency, which led him to the brink of bankruptcy, Eliezer did not sell his own plane Challenger. It should be noted that Fishman was one of the first Israelis, who bought private plane.

Yossi Maimon: one of the owners of the tenth channel of the Israeli television loves yachts, but also has aircraft Challenger, the value of which is 25 million dollars. The plane Yossi Маймона can accept up to nineteen passengers, and the speed and range of flight is 870 km/h, and 7.500 km, respectively. The company “Мирхав”, which belongs to Маймону, there are two such aircraft, but the Maimon already stated several times that he had developed an Allergy to flights, so enjoy the Challenger(ohms) for the most part the heads of the company.

Moti Зисер: the owner of the company “Эльбит Адмая” and a number of construction companies, which work in Europe and India, also chose the Challenger. As he observes traditions, the plane is most often used to order just to return to Israel to Saturday.

Rami Unger: the owner of a huge fleet of tankers and a variety of cargo vessels, also has the aircraft Challenger. It is necessary to say that his love to the aircraft as a result has led to the fact that a couple of years ago he tried to buy (together with partners) airline “Аркиа”.

Beni Штайнмац: this a diamond billionaire also chose a Challenger, which is used to move between the offices, spread all around the world.

Yitzhak Tshuva: the owner of the consortium “Делек”, as other Israeli millionaires, also selects the Challenger. Yitzhak is the enemy of ostentatious luxury, so he would not make a toy of his own plane, which, in the absence of the owner, often leased for business flights. If You need a Charter, you can safely refer to Isaac.

Idan ofer: owner “Хевра Le-Israel” also made the choice in favor of the aircraft Challenger, on which flies around the world.

UDI angel: the owner of a part of shares of “Хевра Le-Israel” has also chosen the Challenger, in which he, being a fan of basketball club “Maccabi”, flies in the field matches the team.

Lev Leviev: the owner of the “Africa-Israel” chose the Galaxy, the value of which is only $ 18 million. The plane, which is designed for ten passengers, flying with a speed of 850 km/h at a distance of 6,000 km. To the Left the plane is not luxury, but just a means of transportation, because of his possession are scattered around the world.

Arkady Gaydamak: Gaydamak also chose the Galaxy. Arkady, the lion's share of business of which is located abroad, enjoys the plane only for utilitarian purposes.

By Yoav Kharlap: the owner of the company “Кольмобиль”, which is the exclusive importer of cars “Hyundai”, “Mercedes” and “Mitsubishi”, loves yachts, but owns and plane - Lear-40, valued at $ 5 million. This aircraft can carry six passengers to a distance of a 3.300 km.

Meir Gurevich: the owner of the construction company “Аразим”, which operates in the UK and Germany, a few years owned a private airline company. At the moment, being an Amateur pilot, Meir uses his plane just for the fun of it. The plane Meir, Premier-1, worth 3 million dollars and can take eight passengers, the maximum speed - 850 km/h, flight range - 2.700 km.

By Yoav and Eli Папучадо: the owners of the hotel Empire bought a Hawker-400, valued at $ 4 million. It can accommodate seven passengers and with a maximum speed of 800 km/h to deliver them at a distance of 2,500 km. It is necessary to say that by Yoav, which has long had a pilot's license, and often fly to Turkey, where his company is building a yacht.

vip charter with death

Not so long ago the Charter flights has become accessible for a wide range of people due to the large number of business class planes in РФ.Благодаря increasing number of airlines, business aviation and a vast network of air brokers order of aircraft has become easier and быстрее.Заказать airplane can be from Moscow due to the large increased interest in business aviation in Russia, thereby reducing the costs of its empty flights from the places of basing of Europe in Москву.Из year to year rent of private aircraft is increasingly common tool business business man, and business aviation team provide the necessary самолеты.Постепенно VIP Charter is a convenient and modern means of travel.

At Your request, order the airplane and implement VIP Charter is possible in almost any airport due to the fact that the vip aircraft have the best take-off and landing characteristics as compared with airplanes of scheduled airlines.
At Your request, order the airplane and implement VIP Charter is possible in almost any airport due to the fact that the vip aircraft have the best take-off and landing characteristics as compared with airplanes of scheduled airlines.

In comparison with the scheduled airlines, rental of vip aircraft gives a number of advantages,

execution of the flight according to Your own schedule and route,

absenteeism long procedures of registration and the accelerated passage of the areas of screening,

manage Your business straight from the plane,

the comfort and the air of comfort in each cabin of the aircraft, made by world standards,

exclusive VIP menu of Your own choice and will,

order the plane you can round the clock.

Service You and your passengers are organized only in VIP-terminals аэропортов.Аренда vip aircraft gives You the opportunity to independently plan and execute a Charter flight.

Freedom is not that would do what you want, but that would not do anything you don't want.
Optimist looks to the future with confidence that all will be well, and look back on the past with the conviction that everything could be much worse.
On a narrow path watch your step and give it the traveler, going to meet. For a meal take a third part, and the rest give it to a neighbor. This is the secret of that, as will always be happy in this world.
Ignorance - this is a real time bomb.
Closer to the people calculation with them, and they are careless, turn away.
Who should live and who will live are two completely different issues in the face of death.
A person may be proud without being vain. Pride is more related to our own about yourself opinion, the vanity of the same - with the opinion of other people, which we would like, that they amounted to about us.
Determines destiny of our choosing, not of our fortune. 
Determines destiny of our choosing, not of our fortune.

to become a great man, you must be able to skillfully use of all the things that offers fate.
There are people who attract good. There are people who are attracted to evil. And there are such, which attract the only flies.
Let's be realistic and make the impossible.
Money is the sixth sense, without him you can't how to use the other five...
Who is afraid of water, the one in the exploration is not good.
This is not a taxi, this is a military ship. Yes I USS can at the bottom to let... well, if you're lucky.
Don't choose from the Old and the New. Choose the best.
Everyone is painted his life.
Someone to believe in miracles, who-no, but there are those who do not know what the miracles, but they do them.
Trust me, the rules are simple, but their violation is fraught with death.